eth_call - Ethereum
Proceeds the next message call momentarily. You don’t have to create a new transaction on the blockchain
How to Use the eth_call Method
You will use this call frequently to read the data of blockchains with actual smart contracts but with no new publications. This call is not Ether-consuming.
The API has a limit of 1000% of the current gas limit for eth_estimateGas and eth_call methods to prevent abuse.
from: 20 Bytes - the address where the transaction originated from.
to: 20 Bytes - the address where the transaction is sent to.
gas: [variable] - the gas provided for the transaction execution (integer). eth_call doesn’t consume gas, but some executions require stating this parameter.
gasPrice: [variable] the gasPrice applied for each paid gas (integer).
value: [variable] the value sent with a stated transaction
data: [variable] Hash of the method signature and encoded parameters. Check Ethereum Contract ABI for more details.
BLOCK PARAMETER [necessary] - the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", or an integer block number.
What you receive
RETURN VALUE - the recalled value of the proceeded contract method.
Here is a typical appliance example.
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