Compute Units (CUs)

We use Compute Units as an alternative to the ‘pay-per-click’ method. It provides more flexibility and economy, and also reflects the individual character of usage

What Are Compute Units and How Are They Charged

In RPC Fast API, we don’t use the "pay-per-request" system. It is common among other blockchain services to measure the RPC request usage. Instead, we charge clients according to the Compute Units (CU) system. Here you’ll find answers to the main questions about CUs explained.

Each pricing plan has a certain balance of CUs (300M, 500M, or custom). It is a balance that allows you to use methods with a specific price for the application. More RPC requests you have, the more methods or Compute Units you use. It enables you to optimize your spending and calculate the usage more precisely. Summing up, you only pay for procedures you apply.

Compute Units of Each RPC Method

We calculate the cost of each method according to the computational capacities, time, and CPU spent on each action. Some requests take much more CUs than others.

Supported Methods

BSC, Ethereum & Polygon

Ethereum only

Polygon API

Transaction Simulation

All simulations have a fixed price of 2000 CU.

How Do We Charge CUs Monthly?

We count all requests received from every single account. Each payment plan has its limitations. Regardless of their number, we charge you with calculating the whole number of CUs for all apps.

Websocket Subscription

RPC Fast API charges the subscription by bandwidth, 0,04 CU for every byte.

What Happens After Running Out the Monthly Quota?

After you spend all CUs in your subscription, the request will fail and return an HTTPS 429 error with an error code -32005.

{"error":"invalid or empty api key"}

How Many CUs Are There in My Subscription?

In the free plan, you have 300M of CUs; in the Growth plan, there are 500M. The number gets updated monthly. In the Enterprise plan, we set the custom amount of Compute Units that will suit your business’ large size.

Last updated