eth_getStorageAt - Ethereum

Shows you the statement of the contract’s storage at the requested address when you cannot proceed this operation via contract’s methods

How to Use the eth_getStorageAt Method


ADDRESS [necessary] - a string that presents the storage’s address (20 bytes).

QUANTITY [necessary] - a hex code which represents the position in the storage

BLOCK PARAMETER [required] - the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", or an integer block number, check the default block parameter for details.

What you receive

STORAGE VALUE - a hex code that represents the integer indicating the value of the storage position at the given address.



Here is a typical appliance example.


curl<key> \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getStorageAt", "params": ["0x295a70b2de5e3953354a6a8344e616ed314d7251", "0x0", "latest"], "id": 1}'



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