eth_newFilter - Ethereum
Builds up a filter object which notifies you every time the state changes. A filter object is based on filter options and shows changes via the command eth_getFilterChanges
How to Use the eth_newFilter Method
Object - The filter options:
fromBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (variable, default statement: "latest") the string "latest" or "pending", or an integer block number for the last mined block, returns "earliest" if the transaction wasn’t mined yet.
toBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (variable, default statement: "latest") the string "latest" or "pending", or an integer block number for the last mined block, returns "earliest" if the transaction wasn’t mined yet.
address: DATA|Array, 20 Bytes - (variabel) An address of a contract or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
topics: Array of DATA, - (variable) Array of 32 Bytes DATA order-dependent topics. Each topic can also contain DATA Arrays with "or" options.
What you receive
QUANTITY - A filter id.
Here is a typical appliance example.
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